Frequently Asked Questions
You can simply contact us through our Contact number or our website or you can also visit us personally. Our equity dealer will guide you through the process.

How do I open an account?
Opening an account with Adam Usman Securities (Pvt) Limited consists of the following simple steps:

1.You read, understand and accept our Terms and Conditions before submitting an application.
2.You submit an Individual or Joint Account Application in any one of the following ways:
3.At our Offices, or through one of our sales representatives; or
4.Download, complete and mail the web Individual/Joint Account Application to our mailing address; or
5.Request an Account Application Pack through the mail.
6.You enclose the minimum deposit along with your application. The deposit may be in the form of shares registered in your name, or cash. (See question on minimum deposit)
7.The Application should be mailed to our following address: New Accounts
Adam Usman Securities Limited,
814 A, 8th Floor,
Pakistan Stock Exchange Building,
Stock Exchange Road,
9.Upon receipt of fully completed application forms, and the minimum deposit, your
account is opened and activated. We inform you through a letter that contains your
Account Name and Number and the name of your Adam Usman Securities Relationship Manager.
10.You start trading in the account.

What is a margin deposit?
Clients allowed by Adam Usman Securities to trade in excess of their cash or portfolio balances are required to maintain a margin deposit in order to cover the level of trading exposure. The margin is the client's equity in the value of the portfolio or trading position. The client's trading limit is set at a multiple of the margin deposit. Margins can be in the form of cash and/or shares. However, margin shares must be on our list of marginable stocks.

Where are my funds held?
Your cash balance will be held by Adam Usman Securities, and will be reflected in your account statement. What types of accounts can be opened with Adam Usman Securities?

What types of accounts can be opened with Adam Usman Securities?

The following types of accounts can be opened:
1. Individual account
2. Joint account for two persons
Institutional accounts for joint stock companies, mutual funds, trusts etc. (must be opened in person at our offices).

Security Information:

What safeguards protect my account?
There is presently no statutory government established fund that compensates investors for monetary loss suffered through broker defaults. The KSE has established an Investors Protection Fund under the Investors Protection Fund Regulations. Details may be obtained from the PSX.

he choice of broker is an investor's primary safeguard. At Adam Usman Securities, client interest is protected through:

1.In-depth research
2.Efficient execution
3.Integrity/client confidentiality
4.Institutional capital backing
5.Internal controls/compliance
6.Quality of human resources

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